Am I where God wants me to be? ~ Brother Scott Brown

I look at where I am in my life and I ask this question. I think in the back of my mind that I have had a lot of time to get to where God wants me to be, but did I take the right steps to get to this point? Did I answer the questions correctly, did I drive the right roads or did my GPS get me lost? I often hear a little voice in the back of my head that tells me to do one particular thing, take a particular path, do a particular deed and I sometimes wonder if it’s God or the Devil. I use my best judgment and the common sense God gave me to make the decision to go left or right, up or down, top or bottom. Did I make the right choice? Only time will tell, and only God knows the answer to that. Even when I don’t know what the future holds, God does. He has a plan for me and my future. All I have to do is let go of the selfish part of me that wants to make all the decisions, wants to be in total control, wants to be the leader and let God make the decisions and lead me where I am supposed to be.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that he has everything under control and knows what is in our futures and what His plans are for us. So why don’t we know what God has planned for us? That would take all the fun out of it. If we knew what was going to happen next we would get really bored and tired of living. There wouldn’t be any surprise to anything. Imagine if you woke up every morning and knew what was going to happen at every moment of the coming day. You would avoid answering a phone call from that person that irritates you, but that person may need your kind words and wisdom that day. You would know not to take your usual route to work because of that stop light that isn’t working today, but you may miss seeing that rainbow on your way to the office. What a boring life it would be. But, God has our days, weeks, months, years,  even our whole lives  planned out for us. We just need to put our trust in Him and roll with the flow. We may not know what lies around the corner but God does and He will not lead us into peril or give us more than we can handle. He will use his plan for our lives to teach us patience, humility, understanding and love.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Acknowledge the Lord and praise him with all your heart and soul and God will guide your path through life. God will help you around the curves and corners and you can lean on Him for guidance. Keep God in everything you do and He will continue to direct your path through life so you don’t have to make the big decisions. God gives us the ability to ignore his guidance and choose our own paths, but when we do we risk straying too far off the path that God has planned for us. When we wander too far off that path things start to go wrong in our lives and we tend to blame God for our problems. If we would just pay attention to the little voices in our head and use our God-given common sense to sort out the situation we can have happy lives, good relationships, and the inner peace that God has planned for us in the first place.

Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Don’t succumb to peer pressure as this is usually the Devil trying to persuade you to deviate from Gods path for you and stray from his plan for your life. Test the waters before you dive in head first and use your best judgment to figure out if the journey you are about to embark on is guided by the Devil or God. God will always let you know that you have taken the correct path by rewarding you. Not always with big rewards like winning the lottery or getting a massive raise at work, but sometimes his reward to you is simply a smile or a kind word from a friend or passerby on the street.  Maybe you hear from an old friend that you have lost touch with years ago. This may be Gods way of guiding you down the path he wants you to go. God has brought this person into your life again as an example or to teach you a lesson. That lesson may not be evident at first but at some point will become clear to you just as The Lord has planned.

Romans 8:28  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Pray to the Lord and ask him to guide your path and be your GPS through life. He will not let you down. You may not understand why he has chosen a particular direction for you but trust that the path he leads you on is the correct one and will be to your advantage and to His glory. 

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